For as long as I can remember my family has always done fake Christmas trees. We've never had a real tree. Yes, fake is easy, and it is probably cheaper, but I think there is something special about going to a Christmas tree farm with the family and picking out a real fir tree.
After about an hour and a half of looking we finally found our tree! And our tree ended up being over ten feet tall!
Our outing was a wonderful success. We found our tree and even though it took longer than we expected, we all had a wonderful time together as a family. Lots of memories were made.
Now I can finally say that it feels like Christmas at our house. Hopefully picking out a real tree each year will become a new family tradition.
What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions? Which is better, a real tree or a fake better tree? Why?
You have to have a real tree at least once while growing up!