God's Plan for Your Life

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The day was slowly coming to an end.  After a wonderful Bible study with some sweet Christian girls my age I headed to my car for the drive home (which actually is my Dad's car since I still don't have my own car, hehe).  Each week we've have been meeting to study the book of Jonah and I always leave this study feeling so blessed. My mind was bursting with new truths from God's word as I turned the keys in the ignition and shifted into first gear. Cruising up the highway towards home I tuned into my favorite Christian radio station (K-love), singing my heart out to all of my favorite songs.  My heart truly was full and I couldn't keep myself from smiling.  God has been so good to me by giving me this Bible study.

The song I was singing along to soon ended and then the speaker came on the radio to talk for a little while. Instead of switching stations (which I usually do) I listened intently to what she had to say. She shared something she had read in a book that said; "If we could see all the that God has planned for us it would boggle our minds."

I don't know if it was because I was in the right mood, or because I've been struggling in this area over the last few weeks. But the truth of that statement hit me good and hard.  I couldn't stop saying amen to the wonderful truth of this simple quote.  It's crazy, but I found so much peace when I thought deeper about what that quote means for us.

God has a wonderful plan for me, and for you.  Even though we can't see it, it is a beautiful life He has created for us to live.  If we could see all of it we would be overwhelmed at how amazing God's plan is for us.  All the struggles and pain we go through would make sense to us because we would see the ultimate outcome.

Just knowing that God has a great plan for me.  A life full of so many blessings I can't even count them all!   A life that is so amazing I can't even imagine it!  That is all I need to keep my focus on God and to keep trusting Him everyday.

Even though I may have to walk through some storms,  including the storms I am facing right now,  I can rest assured that God is using it all for His good.  Every single detail of my life plays an important role in God's beautiful plan for my life.  If I could really see everything that God has planned for me I know that it truly would boggle my mind. 

God really is good to us.  Oh so good!  And He only wants the best for you and me.  I'm going to trust Him with my life, will you?

1 comment :

  1. How else is God going to teach us to trust Him? It's always through the trials in my life that I grow closer to God.
