What makes you happy? Is it having the newest gadgets out on the market? Or maybe it's having the perfect wardrobe? It could also be your wonderful friends and family.
But though these things make us happy, can they off us the true lasting sense of fulfillment and contentment that we all long for? I'm afraid they can't. All this world has to offer is a fleeting happiness. Seeking after the things of this world will always leave us feeling empty and wanting more.
Since the world has nothing to offer us then, where does true happiness come from? It can only come from God. He offers it to us freely. We can have this happiness by spending time each day in Gods word and in prayer. As you spend more and more time with God each day He will fill you with His indescribable joy and peace.
So, where is your happy place? It is in chasing after the things of this world? Or is it in having a heart completely captivated by the loving God we serve?
He is waiting for you. Don't forsake the most important thing you could ever do in life. Meet with Jesus everyday. Make Him your happy place.
Is you true happiness found in Jesus? What are some things that make you happy?
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